When The Electrochemical Society was founded in 1902, electrodeposition was carried out as an empirical art using processes that were often proprietary. This situation changed during the first 50 years of the Society's existence (1). Principles of chemistry, electricity, and metallurgy were applied to guide practical improvements in electrodeposition processes and in the properties of electrodeposited metals. Thousands of published articles have appeared in the tezhnical and patent literature on electrodeposition. In the following text, selected accounts are used as references to illustrate the advances that have been made, and to provide sources for detailed information on developments and commercial practices and improved techniques for better quality results.Electrodeposition moved ahead with many fundamental and technological advances during the third quarter of this century. In addition to important progress in decoration, protection and engineering applications, and electroforming, new processes such as electrodeposition of paints came into use. The role of proprietary processes greatly increased, as practical progress remained largely the result of empirical programs. However, attempts were made to ur~derstand and explain the electrodeposition process and the structure and physical properties of electrodeposited metal vs. the type of solution and conditions for electrodeposi-Uon. New editions of books helpful to electroplaters and electrodeposition were published (la-10).
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