First finding-being part of an inclusive community 9.3.2: Second finding-personal social capital overrides traditional user classifications 9.3.3: Third finding-individual personality gives independent breweries an edge 9.3.4: Fourth finding-tension between organic social media and mechanistic business objectives 9.3.5: Fifth finding-social media does not replace traditional marketing ix communication 9.3.6: Direct contribution to practice 9.4: Achieving the Research Aims 9.4.1: Addressing the research questions 9.4.2: Meeting the research objectives 9.4.3: Achieving the research aim 9.4.4: Contemporary dimensions to this research 9.5: Limitations of the Research and Potential for Further Study 9.5.1: Limitations of the research and their implications 9.5.2: Opportunities for further research List of References Appendices Appendix 1: List of independent breweries operating in the UK in 2016 Appendix 2: Business consultancies' social media categorisations Appendix 3: Bloggers' social media categorisations Appendix 4: Example of an interview guide used Appendix 5: Example of one of the interview transcripts (redacted)