In acetonitrile, the photoreactions of cis-anethole,
A, or trans-anethole,
A, with fumarodinitrile,
lead to isomerization of both substrate and quencher and to mixed [2
+ 2] cycloaddition. By NMR analysis and by
NOE measurements it was shown that the same four stereoisomers of
1-anisyl-2-methyl-3,4-dicyanocyclobutane are
formed in equal yields regardless of whether the substrate is
A or t
A. The
configuration of the anethole-derived
moiety in these adducts is always trans, whereas all
possible configurations of the cyano groups occur. From
Stern−Volmer experiments it was concluded that the quenching mechanism is
electron transfer, not exciplex formation.
Electron-transfer quenching is also the pathway leading to the
cycloadducts, as was established by photoinduced
electron-transfer sensitization. These photoreactions give rise to
strong nuclear spin polarizations (CIDNP) in the
starting and isomerized forms of both substrate and quencher as well as
in the cycloadducts. Radical pairs
(RP I) consisting of the radical cation of the anethole and the radical
anion of fumarodinitrile were
identified as the predominant source of the polarizations. The
starting materials are regenerated by back electron
transfer of singlet pairs; likewise, back electron transfer of triplet
pairs 3RP I to give either triplet anethole,
A, or
triplet fumarodinitrile, 3
FN, occurs and
constitutes the main pathway to isomerization of substrate and
The cycloadducts are also formed via 3RP I; a
significant participation of free radicals in their generation was
out. The stereochemistry of the products and the different ratios
of polarization intensities of the isomerized olefin
and the cycloadducts can only be explained by the intermediacy of a
triplet biradical 3
BR. After intersystem
to the singlet state, ring closure of 1
competes with biradical scission. The latter process provides an
isomerization pathway, which differs from the pathway via triplet
olefins by leading only to one-way cis−trans
isomerization of the substrate. 3
BR is
formed by geminate combination of triplet radical ion pairs
3RP I; an indirect
pathway via back electron transfer of 3RP I to give
A or 3
FN followed by
attack to the other olefin, as has been
proposed for similar photocycloadditions, could be excluded
unambiguously. Despite the different precursor
multiplicity, the mechanism of the [2 + 2] photocycloaddition of
donor and acceptor olefins investigated in this
work is thus identical to the mechanism of the Paterno−Büchi
reaction between donor olefins and electron-deficient
carbonyl compounds which we recently reported. The CIDNP
experiments at variable quencher concentration revealed
the presence of an additional radical pair RP II, also containing
•+ but an anion other than
•-. It was shown that
RP II results from a biphotonic process. These findings were
explained by two-photon ionization of the anethole
and formation of an oligomeric anion of acetonitrile.