An attempt is made to estimate the polarizability of an ion in an ionic diatomic molecule. The method is applied to alkali halide and hydride diatoms. In this connection, the applicability of Rittner's model to these test molecules is examined critically. A new phenomenological form of the repulsive part of Rittner's model is suggested. It is argued that the polarizability of an ion can be used as an index of the gas-phase chemical hardness of an ion in a molecule.Determination of the static electric dipole polarizability (hereinafter referred to simply as polarizability) R of an ion in a molecule is an old and important problem. It was realized long ago that R of an ion in a molecule is not the same as that in the free state. In 1934 Fajans 1 introduced a principle that states that R is diminished in the field of positive charge and increased in the field of negative charge. This statement was theoretically quantified later by Ruffa in 1963. 2 In the past there have been a number of attempts to estimate the R of an ion in a molecule. For a recent brief review on these efforts, see ref 3. Coker has found that in alkali halide crystals polarizability of an anion decreases while that of a cation increases. 4 Coker has also tried to find a relation between the R value of a free ion and that of the ion in a crystal. Here we are not interested in finding the R of an ion in a crystal lattice but that in an isolated molecule.A possible way of checking whether the R of an ion in a molecule has been estimated correctly is to work out Rittner's model 5 for a diatomic molecule AB in detail. In 1951, to explain bonding in specifically the alkali halide diatomics and to estimate their various spectroscopic constants theoretically, Rittner developed a model where an AB molecule is described as a cation-anion pair (polarizable charged spheres) held together by electrostatic attraction but prevented from collapse by a repulsive potential. In this model, the dipole moment µ and the ionic bond dissociation energy W are given by eqs 1 and 2, respectively. In eq 2 C is the van der Waals constant, φ(r) is the repulsive energy resulting from the overlap of the electron clouds of the two ions A + and B -, the last term represents the zero-point energy, and the superscripts + and -designate cation and anion, respectively. Using the derivatives of W with respect to r (of various orders) and some standard relations, 3,6 one can calculate the rotational-vibrational coupling constant (R e ), vibrational anharmonicity constant (ω e x e ), and other higher order spectroscopic constants, γ e and e (these notations are standard as used by Huber and Herzberg 7 ). This model, which because of its nature is likely to hold in rather ionic diatomics, has been examined by many workers in the past using mainly the alkali halide diatoms as the testing grounds 3,6,8-12 (in only one study 3 have the hydrides of the alkali metals been considered). As a general result, a simplification of Rittner's model by omitting the product terms R + R -, which arise ...