Broadband microwave spectroscopy has been performed on single-crystalline GaV4S8, which exhibits a complex magnetic phase diagram including cycloidal, Néel-type skyrmion lattice, as well as field-polarized ferromagnetic phases below 13 K. At zero and small magnetic fields two collective modes are found at 5 and 15 GHz, which are characteristic of the cycloidal state in this easy-axis magnet. In finite fields, entering the skyrmion lattice phase, the spectrum transforms into a multi-mode pattern with absorption peaks near 4, 8, and 15 GHz. The spin excitation spectra in GaV4S8 and their field dependencies are found to be in close relation to those observed in materials with Bloch-type skyrmions. Distinct differences arise from the strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of GaV4S8 not present in so-far known skyrmion hosts. PACS numbers: 76.50.+g, 12.39.Dc, 75.30.Gw The occurence of nontrivial topology in the spin pattern of magnets has gained considerable interest in condensed matter physics. Recent research focuses on magnetic skyrmions which are thermodynamically stabilized in compounds with noncentrosymmetric crystal structures , in a limited region of the magnetic field versus temperature phase diagram [1-3]. Skyrmions are whirl-like objects of spins which can crystallize in skyrmion lattices (SkLs) with typical lattice constants from ten to hundred nanometers and give rise to emergent electrody-namics, like the topological Hall effect [4-6] or magnetic monopoles [7]. Individual skyrmions have been proposed as building blocks for novel nanomagnetic storage devices [8, 9]. The SkL has raised high interest for microwave-technology applications after collective spin excitations predicted in the GHz range [10] were evidenced in the insulating chiral magnet Cu 2 OSeO 3 [11-16]. Later it was found that different metallic, semiconducting, and insulating chiral magnets support the same set of characteristic excitations, i.e., three SkL modes characterized as clockwise (CW), counterclockwise (CCW) and breathing (BR) modes, that all follow a universal behavior [17]. Besides the Bloch-type skyrmions reported in the aforementioned works, a Néel-type SkL has recently been discovered in GaV 4 S 8 [18], where the spins rotate radially towards the vortex core. In this semiconductor characterized by V 4 S 4 clusters with spin S = 1 2 [19], a structural Jahn-Teller transition [20] at 44 K is followed by the onset of magnetic order at the Curie temperature T C = 13 K. At the structural transition the lattice is stretched along one of the four body diagonals, resulting in a strongly anisotropic easy-axis magnet. The magnetic multi-domain structure strongly depends on the orientation and strength of the applied magnetic field and gives rise to complex magnetic phase diagrams [see Figures 1(a), 1(c) and 2(a)] including cycloidal (Cyc), SkL, and ferromagnetic (FM) regions. Specifically, the skyrmions do not follow the external magnetic field but are confined to the magnetic easy axes. The phases have been interpreted in terms of a comp...