Non-Fermi liquids in d = 2 spatial dimensions can arise from coupling a Fermi surface to a gapless boson. At finite temperature, however, the perturbative quantum field theory description breaks down due to infrared divergences. These are caused by virtual static bosonic modes, and afflict both fermionic and bosonic correlators. We show how these divergences are resolved by selfconsistent boson and fermion self-energies that resum an infinite class of diagrams and correct the standard Eliashberg equations. Extending a previous approach in d = 3 − dimensions, we find a new "thermal non-Fermi liquid" regime that violates the scaling laws of the zero temperature fixed point and dominates over a wide range of scales. We conclude that basic properties of quantum phase transitions and quantum-classical crossovers at finite temperature are modified in crucial ways in systems with soft bosonic fluctuations, and we begin a study of some of the phenomenological consequences. Contents I. Introduction 1 II. Boson-fermion model at finite temperature 2 A. Origin of infrared divergences 3 B. -expansion and SD equations 5 III. Resolution of the infrared divergences 6 A. A dangerous irrelevant operator in the thermal theory 6 B. Self-consistent boson mass 7 C. The fermion self-energy 8 IV. Phenomenological consequences 9 A. Quantum and thermal dynamics 10 B. BCS interactions and superconductivity 11 V. Discussion and future directions 12 Acknowledgments 13 A. One loop calculations 13 B. Self-consistent boson mas 14 C. Running BCS coupling 14 References 15