Ultraviolet photoelectron spectra of CH 3 O Ϫ , CH 3 CH 2 O Ϫ , (CH 3) 2 CHO Ϫ , (CH 3) 3 CO Ϫ , as well as CD 3 O Ϫ and CD 3 CD 2 O Ϫ are presented, providing improved electron affinities and new information on vibronic coupling in the corresponding neutral radicals. Jahn-Teller vibronic transitions are assigned to e vibrational modes of X 2 E CH 3 O. The excitation energy of the à 2 AЈ state of CH 3 CH 2 O with respect to the X 2 AЉ state is observed directly at 355Ϯ10 cm Ϫ1. Vibronic coupling between these low-lying electronic states perturbs the observed vibronic levels. Features of the (CH 3) 2 CHO Ϫ photoelectron spectrum are assigned. The splitting between the X 2 AЈ and à 2 AЉ states of (CH 3) 2 CHO is determined to be 1225Ϯ65 cm Ϫ1. Significant vibronic coupling is not observed in (CH 3) 2 CHO. Vibrational assignments are made for the spectral features of (CH 3) 3 CO and no Jahn-Teller effects are observed directly. Electron affinities ͑EAs͒ for the neutrals ͑RO͒ are ͑in eV͒; EA͑CH 3 O͒ϭ1.572Ϯ0.004; EA͑CD 3 O͒ϭ1.559Ϯ0.004; EA͑CH 3 CH 2 O)ϭ1.712Ϯ0.004; EA͑CD 3 CD 2 O)ϭ1.699Ϯ0.004; EA͑͑CH 3) 2 CHO)ϭ1.847Ϯ0.004; EA͑͑CH 3) 3 CO)ϭ1.909 Ϯ0.004. Bond dissociation energies of ROH, D 300 ͑RO-H͒, along with ⌬ f H 300 ͑RO͒, ⌬ f H 300 ͑RO Ϫ), and ⌬ f H 300 ͑RO ϩ) are derived.