Motivated by recent theoretical and experimental controversy, we present a theoretical study to clarify the orbital symmetry of the ground state of vanadium spinel oxides AV2O4 (A=Zn, Mg, Cd). The study is based on an effective Hamiltonian with spin-orbital superexchange interaction and a local spin-orbit coupling term. We construct a classical phase-diagram and prove the complex orbital nature of the ground state. Remarkably, with our new analysis we predict correctly also the coherent tetragonal flattening of oxygen octahedra. Finally, through analytical considerations as well as numerical ab-initio simulations, we propose how to detect the predicted complex orbital ordering through vanadium K edge resonant x-ray scattering.PACS numbers: 75.10. Jm, 75.30.Et Vanadium and titanium spinels, AB 2 O 4 (B=Ti 3+ , or V 3+ ), belong to a class of frustrated antiferromagnets where magnetic B-ions are characterized by orbital degeneracy due to partial occupancy of t 2g -orbitals (n t2g =1 for titanates and n t2g =2 for vanadates). Recently these spinels were thoroughly studied from both experimental [1,2,3] and theoretical [4,5,6] points of view. While the ground state of Ti-based spinels can be explained in terms of orbitally-driven superexchange interactions on the frustrated pyrochlore lattice [6], the situation seems not so fluid for vanadium spinels, as two conflicting theoretical works appeared to explain their structural and magnetic properties [4,5].In AV 2 O 4 , magnetically active V 3+ -ions form a pyrochlore lattice and are characterized by two 3d electrons in t 2g -orbitals, while A is a divalent ion like Cd 2+ , or Zn 2+ , or Mg 2+ . All compounds show qualitatively similar structural and magnetic behavior with a structural transition at a higher temperature T S and an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at a slightly lower temperature T N [7]. These findings have been interpreted by Tsunetsugu and Motome [4] as an interplay of ddσ superexchange (SE) interaction and geometrical frustration: they showed that ordering of orbitals can partially remove magnetic frustration and explain the experimentally observed magnetic structure which is composed of AFM chains running in [110] and [110] directions. The ground state orbital ordering suggested in Ref.[4] consists of stacked ab planes with alternating d xz and d yz vanadium hole orbitals (hereafter referred to as ROO).On the other side Tchernyshyov [5] pointed out that the ground state symmetry I4 1 /a of ROO solution seems at odds with x-ray and neutron diffraction data, indicating a I4 1 /amd space symmetry. Thus, he proposed a purely ionic model where spin-orbit (SO) coupling plays the major role and the V hole occupies (predetermining the sign of Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion) a complex linear combination of xz and yz orbitals: (d xz ± id yz )/ √ 2. (We shall refer to this orbital order as COO).Actually, the correct space group of the system is still elusive. The tetragonal I4 1 /amd space group was found in Ref.[1], while the authors of the neutron scatter...