This Article reports two new Hf-rich intermetallics synthesized using Sn flux: Hf 3 Fe 4 Sn 4 and Hf 9 Fe 4-x Sn 10+x. Hf 3 Fe 4 Sn 4 adopts an ordered variant the Hf 3 Cu 8 structure type in orthorhombic space group Pnma with unit cell edges of a = 8.1143(5) Å, b = 8.8466(5) Å, and c = 10.6069(6) Å. Hf 9 Fe 4x Sn 10+x , on the other hand, adopts a new structure type in Cmc2 1 with unit cell edges of a = 5.6458(3) Å, b = 35.796(2) Å, and c = 8.88725(9) Å for x = 0. It exhibits a small amount of phase width in which Sn substitutes on one of the Fe sites. Both structures are fully three-dimensional and are characterized by pseudo one-and two-dimensional networks of Fe-Fe homoatomic bonding. Hf 9 Fe 4-x Sn 10+x exhibits antiferromagnetic order at T N = 46(2) K and its electrical transport behavior indicates that it is a normal metal with phonon-dictated resistivity. Hf 3 Fe 4 Sn 4 is also an antiferromagnet with a rather high ordering temperature of T N = 373(5) K. Single crystal resistivity measurements indicate that Hf 3 Fe 4 Sn 4 behaves as a Fermi liquid at low temperatures, indicating strong electron correlation.