We developed a periodic version of density matrix embedding theory, DMET, with which it is possible to perform electronic structure calculations on periodic systems, and compute the band structure of solid-state materials. Electron correlation can be captured by means of a local impurity model using various wave function methods, like, for example, full configuration interaction, coupled cluster and multiconfigurational methods. The method is able to describe not only the ground-state energy but also the quasiparticle band picture via the real-momentum space implementation. We investigate the performance of periodic DMET in describing the ground-state energy as well as the electronic band structure for one-dimensional solids. Our results show that DMET is in good agreement with other many-body techniques at a cheaper computational cost. We anticipate that periodic DMET can be a promising first principle method for strongly correlated materials.
arXiv:1909.08783v2 [cond-mat.str-el]An accurate and affordable numerical method for strongly correlated electrons in solid-state materials remains one of the most exciting but challenging topics in computational chemistry and material science. 1 This is crucially important because electron correlation governs many exotic phenomena in condensed phases, such as metal-insulator transition, unconventional superconductivity, and magnetism. 2-4 For decades, Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) 5,6 has been the most successful method for solid-state materials due to its simplicity and predictive capability for many cases. 7,8 While formally exact, the practical application of KS-DFT using approximate exchange-correlation (XC) functional is unable to provide a good description for strong electronic interaction. This is often attributed to the single-determinant nature of the KS fictitious system. 9 Even within the weak correlation regime, the exact KS orbitals energy gap or simply KS band gap (≡ LU M O − HOM O , with LU M O and HOM O are the lowest unoccupied and highest occupied molecular orbital energy, respectively) cannot be interpreted as the fundamental band gap (≡ IP − EA with IP and EA are ionization potential and electron affinity, respectively) owing to the derivative discontinuity of the exchange-correlation energy (IP − EA = LU M O − HOM O + ∆, with ∆ is the derivative discontinuity). 10 Strictly speaking, KS-DFT band structure is unphysical as pointed out in the early work by Perdew and Levy, 10 Sham and Schluter, 11 and recently byBaerends. 12 This argument also applies to approximate functionals based on the local density approximation (LDA) or generalized gradient approximation (GGA). LDA/GGA usually underestimate the fundamental band gap of solids. (For solids the fundamental band gap is very close to the optical band gap which is related to the first excitation; 12 the distinction is not necessary here and we use the term 'band gap' to refer to the fundamental band gap throughout this paper.) This so-called band gap problem 13 makes KS-DFT less appealing ...