NCCN is a potential candidate for detection in interstellar space, but to model its emission spectra, accurate collisional rates are required. Here, we present a first truncated ab initio four-dimensional potential energy surface of NCCN−H 2 , generated using explicitly correlated coupled-cluster singles and doubles with the perturbative triple excitations [CCSD(T)-F12b] method and aug-cc-pVTZ basis set. The surface allows NCCN to rotate in the x−z plane, and H 2 is restricted to three orientations [(a) parallel to the z axis, (b) perpendicular to the z axis but still in the x−z plane, and (c) perpendicular to the z axis and also perpendicular to the x−z plane] and averaged to obtain a reduced two-dimensional (2D) surface. To augment data points, the surface is fitted into a neural networks model. Multipole expansion coefficients for this reduced 2D surface of NCCN−H 2 have been calculated and utilized in determining collisional cross sections using the close-coupling method for collision energies until 1500 cm −1 . Finally, the rate coefficients for reduced NCCN−H 2 have been computed. These rate coefficients closely approximate the collision of NCCN with p-H 2 (j c = 0), and they are greater by 1.8−2.8 times than the rates of NCCN−He previously investigated.