projector augmented wave (PAW) method is a powerful numerical
algorithm that serves as a backend, enabling efficient density functional
theory (DFT) calculations through the smoothing of valence electronic
descriptions. Although it is mainly used in conjunction with plane-wave
basis for solid-state systems, its generality permits the combination
with other types of basis functions. In the previous study, we proposed
a scheme to incorporate the PAW method into the conventional quantum
chemical DFT implementation based on Gauss-type function (GTF) basis
(Xiong et al., J. Chem. Theory Comput.
13, 3236–3249). The potentially high usability
of the GTF-based PAW method, referred to as GTF-PAW, was previously
shown, while its implementation was limited to the local density approximation
(LDA). Here, we present a development of two technical extensions
in this method toward practical DFT calculations. The GTF-PAW-based
formulation and implementation to raise the level of the functional
treatment to the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is presented
for improving reliability. In addition, we attempt to use the uniform
mesh grid for DFT’s quadrature in place of the conventional
Becke grid, which was previously used. With the test calculations
performed on illustrative molecules, it is confirmed that the conventional
approach to implement GGA within GTF basis code can be straightforwardly
integrated into the GTF-PAW method, allowing for the numerically stable
treatment of the gradients of density. It is demonstrated that the
uniform mesh grid can be used as an efficient numerical quadrature
approach, which may be advantageous for handling larger systems.