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ABSTRACTWe report spectroscopic observations on B atoms isolated in cryogenic parahydrogen (pH 2 ), normal deuterium (nD 2 ), Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe matrices, and of B 2 molecules in Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe matrices. The 2s 2 3s( 2 S) *--2s 2 2p( 2 P) B atom Rydberg absorption suffers large gas-tomatrix blue shifts, increasing from +3000 to +7000 cm-1 in the host sequence: Xe < Kr < Ar t Ne z nD 2 t pH 2 . Much smaller shifts are observed for the 2s2p 2 ( 2 D) +-2s 2 2p( 2 P) B atom coreto-valence transition. We assign pairs-of absorption peaks spaced by • 10 nm in the 315 to 355,*4 -------)egion to the B 2 (A 3Z," < X 3 Zg-) Douglas-Herzberg transition. We assign a much weaker 1•q'i,# progression in the 260 to 300 nrm region to the B 2 (2) l' --X + Z transition. We report a nove progression of strong peaks in the 180 to 200 nm region which we suspect may be due to B 2 molecules, but which remains unassigned. Ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectra of B/pH 2 solids show two strong peaks at 216.6 and 208.9 nm, which we assign to the matrix perturbed 2s 2 3s( 2 S) +-2s22p( 2 P) and 2s2p 2 ( 2 D) <-2s 2 2p( 2 P) B atom absorptions, respectively. This assignment is