Copper complexeso fc orroles have recently been as ubjecto fk een interest duet ot heir ligand non-innocent character and uniquer edox properties. Here we investigated bis-copper complex of at riply-linked corrole dimer that serves as apairofd ivalent metal ligands but can be reduced to ap air of trivalent metal ligands. Reaction of triply-linked corrole dimer 2 with Cu(acac) 2 (acac = acetylacetonate) gave bis-copper(II)c omplex 2Cu as ah ighly planar molecule with am ean-plane deviation value of 0.020 ,w here the two copper ions were revealed to be divalent by ESR, SQUID, and XPS methods. Oxidation of 2Cu with two equivalents of AgBF 4 gave complex 3Cu,w hich was characterizeda sabiscopper(II) complex of ad icationic triply-linked corrole dimer not as the corresponding bis-copper(III) complex. In accord with this assignment, the structuralp arameters aroundt he copperi ons were revealed to be quite similarf or 2Cu and 3Cu.I mportantly,t he magnetic spin-spin interactiond iffers depending on the redox-state of the ligand, being weak ferromagnetic in 2Cu and antiferromagnetic in 3Cu.[a] S.