By definition, semiconductor materials are intended to be used in semiconductor devices. We shall therefore consider here the operational principles of some elementary devices, that is, organic solar cells (OSCs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). Our purpose is to give a basic introduction for those not yet familiar with the operation of organic semiconductor devices. Eventually, the reader should be in a position to enjoy the numerous dedicated book chapters and review articles available that treat these devices at an advanced level with regard to the current state of the art and its further improvement.From the discussion of the previous chapters on the nature of and processes with excited states and charges in organic semiconductors, it should be evident that one would be ill-advised to simply take equations from an inorganic semiconductor textbook and use them for the operation of organic devices. The inorganic semiconductor equations have been derived for certain conditions that are not always met in organic materials. Some of the underlying presumptions for the inorganic semiconductor equations are: a) In inorganic semiconductors, there is a high intrinsic density of charge carriers at room temperatures. In contrast, organic "semiconductors" are essentially insulators, having no intrinsic mobile charge carrier density (see Section 2.4.1). For example, using n i (T) = N eff e −E g ∕2kT , the intrinsic carrier density at room temperature in silicon, germanium and gallium arsenide can be estimated as 9 × 10 9 cm −3 , 2 × 10 13 cm −3 , and 2 × 10 6 cm −3 , respectively. In contrast, in organic materials, the intrinsic carrier density is ≈ 0 cm −3 . To convince oneself, take the typical molecular density of 10 21 cm −3 for N eff and a typical gap of 3 eV. The situation changes upon doping or charge injection under space charge limited conditions. Then, charge carrier densities can become comparable to those in inorganics. In doped inorganic materials, the carrier density tends to be around 10 15 -10 18 cm −3 , depending on the doping level [1,2]. Such charge densities can also be obtained in organic semiconductors, for example when a potential of 1 V is applied across a 100 nm thick film, so that charges are injected and accumulate in the case of space charge limited current of one carrier type. As detailed in Section 3.1.2, eq. 3.10, the associated charge carrier density is n = (3∕2)( 0 r ∕e)(F∕d) = 3 × 10 16 cm −3 . Space charge limited current prevails in OLEDs, yet not in OSCs. Similarly, the density of holes upon doping zinc-phthalocyanine with F4-TCNQ has been estimated to range from 10 15 to 10 19 cm 3 , depending on the doping level [3]. Note though that obtaining stable p and n-type doping in organic semiconductors is, however, still a challenge that is under current development. b) In inorganic semiconductors, the charge carriers have a high mobility. Typical mobilities in inorganic semiconductors are in the range of 10 3 -10 4 cm 2 V −1 s −1 . In con...