CeB 6 is a model compound exhibiting antiferroquadrupolar (AFQ) order, its magnetic properties being typically interpreted within localized models. More recently, the observation of strong and sharp magnetic exciton modes forming in its antiferromagnetic (AFM) state at both ferromagnetic and AFQ wave vectors suggested a significant contribution of itinerant electrons to the spin dynamics. Here we investigate the evolution of the AFQ excitation upon the application of an external magnetic field and the substitution of Ce with non-magnetic La, both parameters known to suppress the AFM phase. We find that the exciton energy decreases proportionally to T N upon doping. In field, its intensity is suppressed, while its energy remains constant. Its disappearance above the critical field of the AFM phase is preceded by the formation of two modes, whose energies grow linearly with magnetic field upon entering the AFQ phase. These findings suggest a crossover from itinerant to localized spin dynamics between the two phases, the coupling to heavy-fermion quasiparticles being crucial for a comprehensive description of the magnon spectrum.PACS numbers: 75.30. Mb, 75.30.Ds, 78.70.Nx A current focus of research in heavy fermion (HF) compounds is the study of quantum critical points (QCP) -phase transitions achieved at zero temperature by tuning an external parameter such as magnetic field, doping, or pressure. One possible signature of a QCP is the change of the quasiparticle character from localized to itinerant, when the transition is connected with a breakdown of the Kondo effect and the removal of f-electrons from the Fermi surface (FS). Such an effect was observed, for example, by transport measurements in the prototypical QCP system YbRh 2 (Si 1−x Ge x ) 2 at the critical field of the lowtemperature antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase [1, 2]. Recently, the list of QCP materials was extended with the cubic Kondo lattice compound Ce 3 Pd 20 Si 6 [3][4][5], whose magnetic phase diagram comprises an antiferroquadrupolar (AFQ) phase below T Q = 0.5 K and an AFM phase at even lower temperatures. For the latter phase, a field-induced QCP was observed at the critical field B * = 0.9 T and the concomitant FS reconstruction was related to the destruction of the Kondo effect [3].CeB 6 was one of the first known AFQ compounds, where the multipolar order was observed both indirectly as an anomaly in specific heat at T Q = 3.2 K [6] and directly by resonant x-ray diffraction [7] or neutron diffraction [8, 9] as a weak magnetic Bragg peak centered at the Q AFQ = R(