“…The term 2γ hω = e 2 F 2 0 /(4m * ω 2 ) is the energy of the EM radiation field induced by the DFKE [12,13]. With this time-dependent wavefunction in hands, we adapt Green's function approach introduced by Xu for quasi-2DEGs (see [13,16,22]) to our quasi-1D electronic system 10 . First, note that the complete wavefunction m,n,k z (r, t) = ξ m,n (r, θ ) × χ k z (z, t) is related to the probability amplitude of a process in which one adds an electron in a state |m , n , k z at time t to the system and then it evolves to a state |m, n, k z at time t (>t ), as given by…”