The transport properties at finite temperature of crystalline organic semiconductors are investigated, within the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, by combining exact diagonalization technique, Monte Carlo approaches, and maximum entropy method. The temperature-dependent mobility data measured in single crystals of rubrene are successfully reproduced: a crossover from super-to subdiffusive motion occurs in the range 150 ≤ T ≤ 200 K, where the mean free path becomes of the order of the lattice parameter and strong memory effects start to appear. We provide an effective model which can successfully explain low frequencies features of the absorption spectra. The observed response to slowly varying electric field is interpreted by means of a simple model where the interaction between the charge carrier and lattice polarization modes is simulated by a harmonic interaction between a fictitious particle and an electron embedded in a viscous fluid.PACS numbers: 72.80. Le, 78.40.Me Small molecule organic semiconductors, crystals of small molecules held together by van der Waals forces, are the focus of an intensive research activity being the material basis for the organic electronics, and in particular for the plastic electronics, a rapidly developing field [1]. Because of the weak van der Waals intermolecular bonding, there is a small overlap between the electronic orbitals of these small molecules leading to narrow electronic bands: the transfer integral t turns out to be about 100 meV [2,3]. At the same time the electronphonon interaction (EPI) plays a crucial role [4] and, now, it is well established that it stems from Peierls's coupling mechanism [5]. EPI exhibits a strong momentum dependence, and, given the pronounced anisotropy of these compounds [6], typically the coupling of the electrons with the lattice vibrations is described by using a one-dimensional tight-binding model involving Einstein phonons with the lattice displacements affecting the electronic hopping integral [2,7] (Su-Schrieffer-Heeger coupling [8]). However the charge transport understanding in organic semiconductors remains limited. Indeed from an experimental point of view ultrapure crystals of pentacene or rubrene exhibit: 1) actived transport at low temperatures[6, 9, 10] (up to ≃ 160 K); 2) a band-like mobility up to room temperature, i.e. the mobility decreases as T −α with α ≃ 2[9, 11]. At the same time, at room temperature, optical absorption spectra are characterized by a broad peak centered around 40 meV [12], reminiscent of disordered systems in the insulating phase. It has been shown that the rapid drop of the mobility below 160 K is due to the crossover to the trap dominated regime (extrinsic disorder). Measurements of the transverse Hall conductivity [9,13] allowed to extract the intrinsic, trapfree mobility that increases always with cooling (shallow traps do not contribute to the Hall voltage since the Lorentz force is zero for these charge carriers). It remains to explain the puzzle regarding the simultaneous presence of the signat...