Pure CaB 6 single crystals are synthesized under high pressure (1 GPa) and temperature (1050°C). The temperature-dependence of electric resistivity and Hall coefficient from 2 to 300 K shows that the CaB 6 single crystals are conductors with semi-metallic behavior and electron carriers. Band structure calculations indicate that the conduction and valence bands meet at the X point at the Fermi level, which is consistent with the experimentally determined conducting behavior of CaB 6 single crystals. Calculations of state density suggest that the states at the Fermi level originate from the 2p orbital of the B atoms and the 3d orbital of the Ca atom. Magnetization measurements show the paramagnetic nature of the CaB 6 . The micro-hardness of CaB 6 is 24.39 GPa, and the Raman spectra of CaB 6 yield three sharp peaks at around 780.9, 1138.9, and 1282.1 cm −1 for T 2g , E g , and A 1g , respectively. The specific heat of the crystal is measured and found to be well described by the Debye and Einstein combined model. The fitting results show Debye and Einstein temperatures are 1119 and 199 K, respectively. high pressure, CaB 6 , semi-metallic, single crystals PACS: 75.40.-s, 72.15.-v, 78.30.-j