We present a theory for single-and two-phonon charge carrier scattering in anisotropic twodimensional semiconductors applied to single-layer black phosphorus (BP). We show that in contrast to graphene, where two-phonon processes due to the scattering by flexural phonons dominate at any practically relevant temperatures and are independent of the carrier concentration n, two-phonon scattering in BP is less important and can be considered negligible at n 10 13 cm −2 . At smaller n, however, phonons enter in the essentially anharmonic regime. Compared to the hole mobility, which does not exhibit strong anisotropy between the principal directions of BP (µxx/µyy ∼ 1.4 at n = 10 13 cm −2 and T = 300 K), the electron mobility is found to be significantly more anisotropic (µxx/µyy ∼ 6.2). Absolute values of µxx do not exceed 250 (700) cm 2 V −1 s −1 for holes (electrons), which can be considered as an upper limit for the mobility in BP at room temperature.Electron-phonon scattering is considered to be the main factor limiting intrinsic charge-carrier mobility in graphene [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Flexural phonons (out-of-plane vibrations) are especially important in this respect because they provide the dominant contribution to the resistivity at room temperature [6,7]. Recently, many new two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted attention [8], such as hexagonal boron nitride [9], stoichiometric graphene derivatives [10,11], transition-metal dichalcogenides [9,12], and black phosphorus (BP) [13]. All these materials are typically more defective than graphene and are characterized by significantly smaller electron mobility; therefore, much less is known experimentally on their intrinsic transport properties [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21].Comprehensive theories have been developed to describe the mechanism of phonon scattering in graphene [7]. The application of those is, however, not straightforward to systems with reduced symmetries that give rise to anisotropy of electronic and vibrational properties. At the same time, anisotropy of 2D materials in not uncommon. It can naturally arise in finite-size samples and be governed by the shape (e.g., nanoribbons) [22] or can be determined by external conditions such as defects [23], mechanical strain [24], or contact potentials [25]. Few-layer black phosphorus is the most prominent example among 2D materials with inherent anisotropy [13]. Early attempts to describe intrinsic mobility in ultrathin BP were based on isotropic transport theory and were focused on single-phonon processes only [26,27].In this Letter, we develop a theory for phonon-limited transport in anisotropic 2D semiconductors. We obtain general expressions for the scattering matrix of singleand two-phonon processes, where both in-plane and flexural acoustic phonons are included. The theory is applied to monolayer black phosphorus, for which the relevant parameters are estimated from first principles.For isotropic materials, phonon limited dc conductivity is usually calculated using the standard semiclassical...