Superconductivity can be induced in a normal material via the 'leakage' of superconducting pairs of charge carriers from an adjacent superconductor. This so-called proximity e ect is markedly influenced by graphene's unique electronic structure, both in fundamental and technologically relevant ways. These include an unconventional form 1,2 of the 'leakage' mechanismthe Andreev reflection 3 -and the potential of supercurrent modulation through electrical gating 4 . Despite the interest of high-temperature superconductors in that context 5,6 , realizations have been exclusively based on low-temperature ones. Here we demonstrate a gate-tunable, high-temperature superconducting proximity e ect in graphene. Notably, gating e ects result from the perfect transmission of superconducting pairs across an energy barrier-a form of Klein tunnelling 7,8 , up to now observed only for non-superconducting carriers 9,10 -and quantum interferences controlled by graphene doping. Interestingly, we find that this type of interference becomes dominant without the need of ultraclean graphene, in stark contrast to the case of low-temperature superconductors 11 . These results pave the way to a new class of tunable, high-temperature Josephson devices based on large-scale graphene.Superconductivity is induced in a normal metal (N) in contact with a superconductor (S) via the Andreev reflection (AR) 3 : an electron entering S from N pairs to another electron to form a Cooper pair, leaving a hole-like quasiparticle that is transmitted back into N. Electron and hole coherently propagate with parallel opposite wavevectors, carrying superconducting correlations into N. This mechanism allows supercurrent flow and Josephson coupling across S-N-S junctions 12 .S-N proximity devices that can be greatly tuned by electrostatic doping are one of the main technological prospects of induced superconductivity in graphene 4,13-16 . Several specific mechanisms allow for that. Besides the density-of-states narrowing at the Dirac point, around which the junction's resistance increases, subtler effects may play a role. For example, the unusual possibility that the AR-involved electron and hole reside in different bandsconduction and valence-results in a specular Andreev reflection 1 (SAR) in which electron and hole wavevectors are mirror-like. SAR can occur if the graphene's Fermi energy E F is lower than the superconducting energy gap ∆, while for E F > ∆ the conventional (intra-band) AR takes place 1 . Thus, an AR to SAR crossover can be driven by shifting E F through a gate voltage, which dramatically changes the S-N interface conductance 2 .In the present experiments, tunability results from a different mechanism that involves Klein tunnelling-that is, the reflectionless transmission of electrons across a high energy barrier 7-10 . Beyond single electrons, here we observe Klein-like tunnelling of Andreev electron-hole pairs that carry superconducting correlations from the high-temperature superconductor YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (YBCO) into graphene. That effect i...