We have prepared 1,6: 8,13-propane-I ,3-diylidene [14]annulene with tritium and trimethylsilyl su bstituents at the 2-position. Rates of protiodetritiation and protiodesilylation have been measured, leading t o partial rate factors, under standard conditions, of 2.0 x 1 O8 (trifluoroacetic acid at 70 "C) and 8.34 x l o 4 ( 2 : 5 v/v perchloric acid-methanol at 5 0 "C), respectively. The &value is -0.96. In both reactions the [I 4lannulene is more reactive than 1,6-methano[I Olannulene at the corresponding 2position, for which the partial rate factors are 1.03 x 1 O7 and 9.27 x 1 03, respectively, with G + -0.80.The reactivity difference towards exchange is 4.4-fold greater than that which exists between the corresponding 1 -positions of anthracene and naphthalene, as predicted by topological resonance energy calculations. These calculations also predict the observed greater reactivity of the annulenes compared with the corresponding polyacenes. The detritiation and desilylation data predict a 0value for the [14]annulene of -0.65, cf. -0.435 for the [lO]annulene. The difference 0 ' -0 is therefore 0.31 for the [I 4]annulene, compared with 0.32 for the [I Olannulenes, indicating that the [I 4lannulene is marginally less polarisable. Lithiation of the [I 4lannulene occurs preferentially at the 2 -position.