A perm-selective nanochannel could initiate concentration polarization near the nanochannel, significantly decreasing (increasing) the ion concentration in the anodic (cathodic) end of the nanochannel. Such strong concentration polarization can be induced even at moderate buffer concentrations because of local ion depletion (therefore thicker local Debye layer) near the nanochannel. In addition, fast fluid vortices were generated at the anodic side of the nanochannel due to the nonequilibrium electro-osmotic flow (EOF), which was at least ∼10X faster than predicted from any equilibrium EOF. This result corroborates the relation among induced EOF, concentration polarization, and limiting-current behavior.Recently, science and engineering of molecular transport within nanofluidic channels, with critical dimensions of 10-100 nm, have drawn a lot of attention with the advances in microand nanofabrication techniques [1]. In addition to various applications [2,3], nanofluidic channels can be an ideal, well-controlled experimental platform to study nanoscale molecular, fluidic, or ionic transport properties. Recent experiments strongly suggest that nanochannels thinner than ∼50 nm demonstrate unique ion-perm selectivity at low ionic strengths, due to the fact that the Debye layer thickness (λ D ) is non-negligible compared with the channel thickness in these nanochannels [4]. Often, these phenomena are explained as Debye layer overlap, with the ratio between (equilibrium) Debye length and the channel dimension as the critical parameter. While proper in explaining near-equilibrium diffusion process through the nanochannels, this reasoning becomes invalid when the (local) ionic concentrations within the system start to change significantly, which is often the case in electrokinetic driving of nanochannels. More comprehensive models that can account for the change of (local) Debye length are yet to be developed. One of the characteristic behaviors that accompany strong concentration polarization is that local electrokinetic responses can be greatly amplified, especially in the ion-depleted anodic region. The result is typically a circulating, vortexlike flow pattern with a flow speed much higher than typical (equilibrium) electro-osmotic flow (EOF). Such an "induced" or "second-kind" EOF pattern, either in front of electrodes [5] or charge gel [6], has been experimentally observed. Recently, Rubinstein and co-workers suggested that similar nonlinear electrokinetic flow in front of perm-selective membrane is the main factor behind the overlimiting current at high dc bias [7]. However, more detailed study