Analysis of protein charge ladders using capillary electrophoresis (CE) provides a method of determining charges of proteins. This method has disregarded the effect of charge compensationsa response of the protein and its environment to a change in electrostatic potential on the surface of the protein. This work examines the difference in charge, ∆Z, between the first two rungs of the ladder of bovine carbonic anhydrase II (BCAII) as a function of pH and ionic strength using CE. These data were analyzed in three ways: using models based on Hückel theory and on charge regulation, and using linear regression. These analyses were in only qualitative agreement, and the differences between them suggest that simple theoretical models for the behavior of colloidal particles cannot establish the value of ∆Z accurately in proteins. Linear regression of mobilities of the rungs of charge ladderssa method proposed in earlier workscontinues to be a computationally convenient method of estimating the charge Z 0 of native proteins, but the accuracy of this method depends on the value of ∆Z. The absolute value of ∆Z cannot presently be established accurately. In the case of BCAII, we suggest ∆Z ) -0.93 for the difference in charge between the first two rungs of the charge ladder at pH ) 8.4 and 10 mM ionic strength. An estimate of the uncertainty in this value for BCAII due to uncertainties in the values of pK a of amino acids and of the hydrodynamic radius is (0.02. Other uncertainties not considered in this analysis will make this value larger.
IntroductionA protein charge ladder is a collection of derivatives of a protein generated by converting its charged groups (most commonly lysine -NH 3 + but also aspartate or glutamate -CO 2 -) into electrically neutral ones ( -NHCOCH 3 or -CO 2 CH 3 ). 1 In free solution capillary electrophoresis (CE), these modified proteins separate into distinct peaks or "rungs"; each rung contains regioisomers with approximately the same charge: that is, at least nominally, the same number of modified groups. Charge ladders provide a self-calibrating tool for estimating certain basic physical parameters of proteins such as charge, 2,3 hydrodynamic radius, 4 and electrostatic contributions to the free energy of binding of ligands 5,6 and of protein folding. 7 The simplest analysis of charge ladders assumes that the charge difference (∆Z) between the consecutive rungs of a charge ladder generated by acetylation of lysine -NH 3 + groups is a full unit of charge (∆Z ) -1). Menon and Zydney have made the point that ∆Z may have a value different from -1 if the change in charge of the -amino group on acetylation (which is, in fact, -1, provided that this group is completely protonated before acetylation) is offset by a compensating change in charge elsewhere in the protein. 8 This conceptscharge compensations is well-developed and extensively modeled in colloid chemistry. 9,10 Menon and Zydney suggested that it also applies to proteins and proposed a model to analyze the adjustment of charge of the macro...