We studied simultaneous EMG and midline EEG responses, the latter including over the cerebellum, in 10 standing subjects (35 ± 15 yrs; 5 females) following repeated taps to the sternum. We confirmed previous reports that this evokes short latency EMG responses in leg muscles, consistent with postural reflexes. EEG power had relatively more high frequency components (> 30 Hz) when recorded from electrodes over the cerebellum (Iz, SIz) compared to other midline electrodes. We showed clear midline evoked EEG potentials occurring at short latency over the cerebellum (P23, N31, N42, P54) and frontally (N28, N57) prior to the previously-described perturbation evoked potential (P1/N1/P2). The P23 response correlated with the subsequent EMG response in the tibialis anterior muscles. We conclude that early activity occurs from electrodes over the cerebellum in response to a brief tap to the sternum. This is likely to represent cerebellar activity and it appears to modulate short latency postural EMG responses.