1 The purpose of the present study was to investigate the haemodynamic, electrophysiological and antiarrhythmic effects of labetalol in the late reperfusion phase after myocardial infarction in conscious dogs. 2 Labetalol was administered in cumulative doses (0.5, 1 and 3mgkg-1 90min-1, i.v.). Compared to control the systolic blood pressure was significantly decreased 20 min after 0.5, 1 and 3 mg kg'-and up to 30min after 3mgkg-1 labetalol. The diastolic blood pressure was significantly decreased 20 and 30min after 0.5 and 3 mg kg-1 but was not significantly altered after 1 mg kg'-labetalol. 3 Labetalol significantly increased the PQ, QRS, QT and QTc intervals, the 2:1 AV-conduction point, the ventricular effective refractory periods and the intraventricular conduction time from the apex of the right ventricle to the infarcted LAD-area. With the exception of the alterations in the PQ interval and 2:1 AV-conduction point the effects described above were dose-dependent. 4 Labetalol was active against arrhythmias induced by programmed electrical stimulation. This effect was already present after the lowest dose (0.5 mg kg-'). 5 The good antiarrhythmic activity of labetalol in this study can be explained by the adrenoceptor blocking properties and both the class I and III activity of this drug. Labetalol may be of potential benefit in controlling arrhythmias arising following myocardial infarction.