IntroductionIt has long been recognized that after infection of the human erythrocyte by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the host cell membrane undergoes a profound increase in its permeability to a diverse range of low molecular weight solutes including amino acids, sugars, nucleosides, and a range of organic and inorganic anions and cations. [1][2][3][4][5] The increased permeability facilitates the uptake into the infected cell of several key nutrients, 6-8 as well as the uptake of various antiparasitic agents. [8][9][10][11][12] Parasiteinduced pathways also mediate both the efflux of metabolic wastes, 6,13 and a marked change in the ionic composition of the host cell cytosol. 4,14 The question of the number and origin of the pathways underpinning the parasite-induced increase in host erythrocyte permeability has been a vexed one. Subjecting uninfected human erythrocytes to oxidative stress, 15,16 or to protein kinase Amediated protein phosphorylation, [17][18][19] results in the activation of membrane channels that confer on the membrane of the uninfected cell, similar to permeability characteristics seen in the infected cell. This is consistent with at least some part of the parasite-induced permeability being attributed to the activation of endogenous host cell proteins. A recent paper has proposed a central role for an endogenous erythrocyte benzodiazopene receptor/voltagedependent anion channel 20 in forming the parasite-induced pathways. At the same time, there is evidence for the involvement of parasite-encoded proteins. After earlier observations of significant parasite-strain-specific differences in the electrophysiologic characteristics of parasite-induced ion conductances 21,22 and the identification of parasite strains for which the infected erythrocyte has reduced permeability to various cytotoxic agents, 10,11,23 Desai and colleagues have demonstrated a role for parasite-encoded "clag3" proteins in the formation of parasite-induced channels. 24 Whether these proteins themselves form part of the channels is not yet clear.Exposure of cells to arsenite is known both to induce oxidative stress and to perturb intracellular phosphorylation/dephosphorylation pathways. 25 In a study of ferret erythrocytes, Flatman and Creanor demonstrated that treatment of these cells with arsenite resulted in the stimulation of an ion transporter, the Na ϩ K ϩ 2Cl Ϫ cotransporter. 26 In this work, we investigated the effect of arsenite treatment on the transport into human erythrocytes of the acidic amino acid, glutamate. Human erythrocytes have a low basal permeability to glutamate; however, the amino acid readily enters P falciparum-infected erythrocytes. 1,2,27,28 Here we show that arsenite-treatment of (uninfected) human erythrocytes results in the activation of a high-affinity, Na ϩ -dependent glutamate transport pathway, which has the functional characteristics of members of the "excitatory amino acid transporter" (EAAT) family. 29,30 An analysis of the uptake of glutamate into P falciparum-infected ...