Recent studies suggest a role for autocrine insulin signaling in beta cells, but the mechanism and function of insulin-stimulated Ca 2؉ signals is uncharacterized. We examined Ca 2؉ -dependent insulin signaling in human beta cells. calcium signals ͉ ryanodine ͉ autocrine ͉ CD38 ͉ diabetes mellitus D iscovery of insulin receptors on pancreatic beta cells and the characterization of beta cell-specific insulin receptor null mice with a diabetes-like phenotype suggest a physiological role for autocrine insulin signaling (1). Although results from in vivo and whole islet experiments suggested a negligible or inhibitory effect of insulin on insulin release, recent experiments with dispersed rodent beta cells suggested a stimulatory effect on calcium signaling, insulin expression, and exocytosis (2-7). Unlike glucose signaling, insulin-evoked Ca 2ϩ signals in mouse beta cells required intracellular Ca 2ϩ stores sensitive to the sarcoplasmic͞endoplasmic Ca 2ϩ -ATPase (SERCA) inhibitor thapsigargin (4). Insulin action was not blocked by a phospholipase C inhibitor, suggesting indirectly that inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP 3 )-sensitive Ca 2ϩ stores were not involved (5). The mechanisms of autocrine insulin feedback are unknown in human beta cells.Ca 2ϩ signals control multiple functions in secretory cells, and at least three distinct biochemical classes of Ca 2ϩ stores coexist (8, 9). Aside from the phospholipase C͞IP 3 pathway that is commonly activated by G-protein-coupled receptors, Ca 2ϩ can be mobilized through ryanodine receptors, activated by Ca 2ϩ or cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPr). A third class of Ca 2ϩ store, mobilized by nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), functions in oocytes, Jurkat T lymphocytes, and mouse pancreatic acini (8, 10, 11). The production of NAADP and cADPr are catalyzed by CD38 and related ADP-ribosyl cyclases (12, 13). CD38 is found in many cell types, including human beta cells. Glucose-stimulated Ca 2ϩ mobilization and insulin release (in vivo and in vitro) were enhanced by CD38 overexpression and reduced by CD38 knockout (14,15). Beta cells with poor glucose-stimulated insulin production͞release (ob͞ob, GK, RINm5F) have less CD38 (16,17). CD38 autoantibodies, found in Ϸ14% of diabetic patients, evoked Ca 2ϩ signals and insulin release from human islet cells (18).In this study, we tested the hypothesis that NAADP-sensitive Ca 2ϩ stores regulate beta cell function, in the context of autocrine insulin signaling. We report that insulin generates complex Ca 2ϩ signals by mobilizing novel intracellular Ca 2ϩ stores in primary cultures of dispersed human islet cells. NAADPsensitive Ca 2ϩ stores initiate insulin signaling, whereas subsequent oscillatory behavior is sensitive to the removal of extracellular Ca 2ϩ and to putative IP 3 receptor inhibitors. These prolonged insulin-stimulated Ca 2ϩ signals regulate cellular insulin levels, but do not measurably stimulate overall secretion.
Materials and MethodsDrugs and Solutions. Reagents were from Sigma unless otherwise stated. Stocks ...