We discuss the results of the covariant spectator quark model for the several γ * N → N * transitions, where N is the nucleon and N * a nucleon excitation. More specifically, we present predictions for the form factors and transition amplitudes associated with the resonances N (1440)1/2 + , N (1535)1/2 − , N (1520)3/2 − , ∆(1620)1/2 − and N (1650)1/2 − . The estimates based on valence quark degrees of freedom are compared with the available data, particularly with the recent Jefferson Lab data at low and large momentum transfer (Q 2 ). In general the estimates are in good agreement with the empirical data for Q 2 > 2 GeV 2 , with a few exceptions. The results are discussed in terms of the role of the valence quarks and the meson cloud excitations for the different resonances N * . We also review our results for the resonance ∆(1232)3/2 + and discuss the relevance of the pion cloud component for the magnetic dipole form factor and the electric and Coulomb quadrupole form factors.