An experimental study of pulsating electrosprays operated at subambient pressure is reported. The pressure domain that affords stable electrospray operation appears to be limited by the vapor pressure of the liquid. The voltage driving the electrospray is shown to have a logarithmic dependence on pressure. The observed scaling amends the relationship currently used to calculate the electric field at the tip of the meniscus of an electrified liquid. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. ͓doi:10.1063/1.3258494͔ Zeleny 1 conducted the first rigorous studies of what he described as discharges from liquid points, phenomena known today as electrosprays. In his experiments, a minimal pressure difference delivered electrified liquid at the tip of a glass capillary for spraying against a planar counterelectrode. In a similar geometry, Eyring et al.2 studied the electric field E when applying a voltage V between a hyperbolic metal electrode polished to a radius of curvature r and a metallic disk situated at a distance d. In a simplified form, the electric field was expressed as a function of a constant c:This relationship is currently in use to estimate the electric field at the tip of a rounded liquid meniscus. A semispherical liquid drop is in equilibrium if the pressure drop across the liquid interface ͑p − p 0 ͒ is balanced by its surface tension ͑␥͒ : p − p 0 = ␥ / r, where r is the radius of curvature of the meniscus. Under the influence of E, r changes to compensate for the pressure produced by electrical forces p E = 0 E 2 / 2, where 0 is vacuum permittivity. Once the electric field surpasses a threshold at a critical voltage, a singularity is induced, which reshapes the meniscus into a cone and triggers the ejection of charged liquid from its apex. [4][5][6] The cone-jet electrospray regime 7 is established if the charge is generated electrochemically at the same rate as it is ejected; however, when operated close to the threshold electric field, supply disruptions lead to discontinuous regimes that have been described as burst, 8 pulsating, 9 or astable.
10One of the most important applications of electrosprays is in mass spectrometry ͑MS͒ ionization sources. 11 The small charged droplets experience cycles of solvent evaporation followed by charge reduction through Rayleigh fission events or field evaporation.12-15 The charged aerosol produced by electrosprays at atmospheric pressure must be transferred into a very low pressure environment for the MS analyses. This is generally accomplished by several stages of differential pumping. Ion funnels 16 can be employed to improve the ion transfer efficiency through intermediate chambers in the 1-30 torr range, while traditional radio frequency ͑rf͒ ion guides are broadly used in lower pressure regimes. A typical electrospray ionization ͑ESI͒-MS interface employs a heated capillary inlet enabling sampling of the electrospray while providing supplemental thermal energy to aid desolvation of the charged droplets. Most of the charged aerosol is "lost" to the front or insi...