I would like to thank my major professor, Prof. Alberto Passalacqua for his valuable advice and for being a supportive mentor, helping me through every query and difficulty I came across. I would also like to thank my committee members, Prof. Rodney Fox, Prof. Theodore Heindel, Prof. Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, and Prof. Adarsh Krishnamurthy, for their insight and critique throughout the course of my research. I want to thank Prof. Poupak Mehrani, Prof.Andrew Sowinski, and Fahad Chowdhury who are our collaborators at the University of Ottawa, for their essential guidance which steered our study and development in the right direction. I am extremely grateful to Prof. Mehrani, in particular for arranging funds for my conference visits as well.In addition, I am indebted to my family members, relatives, friends, and colleagues for bringing positivity in my life and keeping me motivated for numerous years, both during and before my graduate life. I deeply appreciate the efforts put in by the faculty and staff at the department and the university for providing me a pleasurable and enriching experience at Iowa State University.