mElectrostatic potential maps of certain biologically important molecules (guanine, adenine, cytosine, thymine, and two conformers of glycine) were studied employing a "hybridization displacement charge (HDC)" correction to Lowdin charge distributions and using the conventional Mulliken charge distributions of the molecules. In these calculations, the magnitude of each of the point charges was distributed in 3-dimension in a spherically symmetric manner. The method of computing HDC using MNDO wave functions was optimized by introducing two adjustable parameters. It has been clearly demonstrated that HDC-corrected Lowdin charge distributions of the molecules mentioned above are able to reproduce most of the important features of their ab initio MEP maps, while the conventional Mulliken charge distributions fail in many respects. Thus, HDC-corrected Lowdin charge distributions are shown to be quite reliable for the study of molecular electrostatic properties, particularly for molecules with more than one competing electrophilic site. 0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, and function. Some examples of this type are drug-receptor interaction, substrateenzyme interaction, antigen-antibody interaction, and harmone-receptor interaction [ 1-61. Moleculectrostatic interactions of molecules, e.g., hylar electrostatic potentials (MEP) and electric fields (MEF) have been found to be quite useful for studying such problems and for obtaining structure-activity relationships (SARs) [7-lo]. It is