E lectrothermal flow is a promising technique in microfluidic manipulation toward laboratory automation applications, such as clinical diagnostics and high-throughput drug screening. Despite the potential of electrothermal flow in biomedical applications, relatively little is known about electrothermal manipulation of highly conductive samples, such as physiological fluids and buffer solutions. In this study, the characteristics and challenges of electrothermal manipulation of fluid samples with different conductivities were investigated systematically. Electrothermal flow was shown to create fluid motion for samples with a wide range of conductivity when the driving frequency was greater than 100 kHz. For samples with low conductivities (below 1 S/m), the characteristics of the electrothermal fluid motions were in quantitative agreement with the theory. For samples with high conductivities (greater than 1 S/m), the fluid motion appeared to deviate from the model as a result of potential electrochemical reactions and other electrothermal effects. These effects should be taken into consideration for electrothermal manipulation of biological samples with high conductivities. This study will provide insights in designing microfluidic devices for electrokinetic manipulation of biological samples toward laboratory automation applications in the future. ( JALA 2010;15:426-32)
INTRODUCTIONThe development of automated microfluidic systems poses great promises for a variety of medical diagnostic applications. 1e3 Although extensive research efforts have been devoted to integrate various transduction mechanisms, including optical, inertial, interfacial, and electrochemical sensing, the transducers often require sample preparation components for handling clinical samples. 4e7 The implementation of the sample preparation modules, which critically determines the overall performance of the system, can often be cumbersome, labor intensive, and time consuming, and represents a major challenge for laboratory automation. 8,9 Among numerous microfluidic techniques, alternating current (AC) electrokinetics is one of the most promising approaches for addressing this fundamental hurdle in laboratory automation. 10e12 AC electrokinetics is especially effective in the micro and nano domains and can be easily integrated with other microfluidic components. Furthermore, combinations of different electrokinetic phenomena allow fundamental fluidic operations, including concentration, separation, mixing, and pumping, to be performed in the same platform. 13e15 Electrokinetics has also been applied in various mechanobiological applications. 16,17 All these features render electrokinetics one of the most promising approaches for developing fully integrated microfluidic diagnostic systems for laboratory automation. 18,19 Most electrokinetic techniques, such as dielectrophoresis and AC electroosmosis, are effective only in low-conductivity fluids. Electrothermal flow, on the other hand, is effective in fluids that have a wide range of cond...