Flavoridin and echistatin, isolated from the-venom of Trh,¢resuruxflararlridis and Echix ¢¢zrh~utu$. respectively. I~lonB ¢o tilt disintel;rin family of inttgrin p~ and 0~ inhibitors ol" low molecular w¢isht gGD.¢ontainin8, cy,qeinc.vith poptid=s. Sin= disulfide bonds ar¢ criti~l for expression ot" biological activity, we sought to determine their location in these two proteins. In fluvoridin, direct cvidcn=: for the exist¢n¢¢ o1. linkug~ between Cys'-Cy= =" and betwcgn Cys ° and Cys" was obtained by analysis of proteolyti¢ products, and indirect evidence sullg¢sts links between Cys'-Cys =+ and Cys~>-Cys ~. In e=histatin, links between Cys'-Cys >~ and Cys'~-Cys ~ were identified by dir=t chemical analysis,
2, MATERIALS AND METHODSSynthetic ethistutin was purchased from Uach=m Inc. (USA) and was used without further purification, Natural echistatin and fla. either natural or synthetic, and flavoridin, (2 rag/m| in lO0 mM NH.,HCO;~. pH 8,0) wcr¢ di;~|cd with TPCK.trypsin (Sigma) at an ¢nxyme:substrato ratio of I:50 (w/w) for 4 h at 3"PC, Dil~tion ol'echistatin was stopl~.d with formic acid (final ¢omazntra. tion 30~ (v/v)), and the styptic popfidcs were scparut¢ by rever~e-phar, e HPLC on a Lichrosphcr JOe RP-l~ (S#M particle size) (Merck, Darmstadt) column cquilibrate.d in a mixture of O.Ig'a (v/v) TFA in wuttr (solution A) and in u=tonilrile (solution B) (95~ A/:~% I~) and ¢luted at I mVmin, at ~rst isocratically for 5 rain and then followed by a linear gradient up to 40'~ B in 70 rain, Th= enzyme in the trypti¢ digest o1" flavoridin was h=at-inactivatcd (1,00"C t'or 5 rain), endnproteinase Asp-N (Boehrin~r.Mannhcim, Indianapolis. IN) was ;tddcd up to u final tnxyme:substra|c ratio o1" h25 (w/w) and incubated 6 h at 37'C, Thereafter, the resuhinll pep tides were separated ;is above. Elation conditions were: 5 rain isoeratirally (100% A) followed by a linear gradient up to 30~ B in 90 rain.The isolated peptid¢s wore chaructedzc.d by amino acid analysis (after acid hydrolysis with 6 N HCI foe 24 h at 110"C using a Biotronic (amino acids aualyzcr) and amino-tem~inal sequence analysis (using an Applied Biosystcms. Sun Francisco. CA) gas-phase scquenc=r mod~l 473A, Mass spectra were recorded with a mats spectrometer MAT 900 (Finni~n MAT. Bremen. FRO) equipped with liquid s¢c-oudaw ion ionization system.
3,1. Disu~de bridge pattern of fiavorldinProteolytic digestion of flavoridin with trypsin and endoproteinuse Asp.N gave nine lt'actions (Table I), 316 Published by Efscvicr S¢ietw¢ Publldtcrs B. V,