This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Gallium nitride is a promising material system for spintronics, offering long spin relaxation times and prospects for room-temperature ferromagnetism. We review the electron spin dynamics in bulk GaN. Time-resolved magneto-optical studies of both the wurtzite and the cubic phase of GaN show the dominance of Dyakonov-Perel (DP) relaxation for free conduction band electrons. Spin relaxation in the wurtzite phase is characterized by an intrinsic spin relaxation anisotropy and the limitation of spin lifetimes by a strong Rashba term. Spin lifetimes are strongly enhanced in cubic GaN, where only a weak Dresselhaus term contributes to DP relaxation. Ion-implanted wurtzite GaN shows a strong increase of electron spin lifetimes for increasing implantation dose, caused by increasing localization of carriers. The spin dynamics of conduction band electrons in Gd-implanted GaN as a candidate for a room-temperature ferromagnetic semiconductor is also only governed by localization effects and does not show signs of an efficient exchange coupling between the electrons and the magnetic Gd ions.1 Introduction Spintronics as the novel spin-based semiconductor electronics has been an intense and fruitful field of research in the last years, leading to the discovery and detailed understanding of numerous spin effects [1][2][3][4][5]. In addition, a plethora of possible applications including, e.g., the famous spin transistor [6] or spin optoelectronic devices [7][8][9], has been proposed. However, for the realization of the proposed concepts challenging requirements are imposed on the underlying semiconductor materials, like, e.g., very long spin lifetimes or ferromagnetic behavior with Curie temperatures above room temperature. These challenges have triggered intense research on optimized structures and new materials. In particular, GaN has attracted strong interest as it promises to combine fascinating properties, ranging from weak spin-orbit coupling due to its light constituting elements over high-temperature ferromagnetism upon doping with rare earth ions [10] up to its good optoelectronic properties [11] and its well established use in the semiconductor industry [12]. In addition, GaN is a highly instructive model system for the influence of crystal symmetry on the electron spin dynamics as besides the thermodynamically stable wurtzite phase also the metastable cubic phase can be prepared [13]. While the spin dynamics in the dilute nitrides GaNAs and GaInNAs [14][15][16][17][18], and of holes [19] and especially excitons in GaN [20][21][22][23]