(J.K.S.); 0000-0003-2020-1902 (S.H.).Better understanding of root function is central for the development of plants with more efficient nutrient uptake and translocation. We here present a method for multielement bioimaging at the cellular level in roots of the genetic model system Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Using conventional protocols for microscopy, we observed that diffusible ions such as potassium and sodium were lost during sample dehydration. Thus, we developed a protocol that preserves ions in their native, cellular environment. Briefly, fresh roots are encapsulated in paraffin, cryo-sectioned, and freeze dried. Samples are finally analyzed by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, utilizing a specially designed internal standard procedure. The method can be further developed to maintain the native composition of proteins, enzymes, RNA, and DNA, making it attractive in combination with other omics techniques. To demonstrate the potential of the method, we analyzed a mutant of Arabidopsis unable to synthesize the metal chelator nicotianamine. The mutant accumulated substantially more zinc and manganese than the wild type in the tissues surrounding the vascular cylinder. For iron, the images looked completely different, with iron bound mainly in the epidermis of the wild-type plants but confined to the cortical cell walls of the mutant. The method offers the power of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to be fully employed, thereby providing a basis for detailed studies of ion transport in roots. Being applicable to Arabidopsis, the molecular and genetic approaches available in this system can now be fully exploited in order to gain a better mechanistic understanding of these processes.Investigations of the localization of inorganic elements in young plant roots may answer a range of important and unresolved questions with respect to root functionality and plant nutrient transport. To date, our understanding of how plants control the radial root transport of essential plant nutrients and toxic elements is mainly circumstantial, relying on changes in shoot or shoot-to-root concentration ratios or analyses of xylem sap composition. Roots of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) have a simple cellular organization and are unrivaled in their ability to be imaged by confocal microscopy, as they are very thin (diameter approximately 120 mm) and have a low background fluorescence. This has led to an amazingly detailed understanding of the growth and development of roots. Unfortunately, the fragile nature of these roots constitutes a major challenge when trying to understand the processes that drive nutrient uptake at the same level of detail. The method we present here for element bioimaging of Arabidopsis roots is a critical step in utilizing the potential of combining targeted genetic modifications and bioimaging at the cellular level in order to unravel the complexities of how roots selectively acquire and translocate mineral nutrients from the soil.The uptake and radial tr...