The main aim of this interdisciplinary paper is to characterize all maps on
finite Minkowski space of arbitrary dimension $n$ that map pairs of distinct
light-like events into pairs of distinct light-like events. Neither bijectivity
of maps nor preservation of light-likeness in the opposite direction, i.e. from
codomain to domain, is assumed. We succeed in in many cases, which include the
one with $n$ divisible by 4 and the one with $n$ odd and $\geq 9$, by showing
that both bijectivity of maps and the preservation of light-likeness in the
opposite direction is obtained automatically. In general, the problem of
whether there exist non-bijective mappings that map pairs od distinct
light-like events into pairs of distinct light-like events is shown to be
related to one of the central problems in finite geometry, namely to existence
of ovoids in orthogonal polar space. This problem is still unsolved in general
despite a huge amount of research done in this area in the last few decades.
The proofs are based on the study of a core of an affine polar graph, which
yields results that are closely related to the ones obtained previously by
Cameron and Kazanidis for the point graph of a polar space