This is the full text of a survey talk for nonspecialists, delivered at the 66th Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society in Leipzig, March 2002. We have not taken pains to suppress the colloquial style. References are given only insofar as they help to underline the points made; this is not a full-blooded survey. The connection between noncommutative field theory and string theory is mentioned, but deemphasized. Contributions to noncommutative geometry made in Germany are emphasized. their primitive form in the early eighties. Also pioneer work by Rieffel [6] contributed to shape noncommutative geometry in its early stages.Noncommutative geometry, in essence, is an operator algebraic, variational reformulation of the foundations of geometry, extending to noncommutative spaces. NCG allows consideration of "singular spaces", erasing the distinction between the continuous and the discrete. Its main specific tools are Dirac operators, Fredholm modules, the noncommutative integral, Hochschild and cyclic cohomology of algebras, C * -modules and Hopf algebras. NCG has many affinities with quantum field theory, and it is not unusual for noncommutative homological constructs to crop up in that context [7].On the mathematical side, NCG has had a vigorous development. Current topics of interest include index theory and groupoids, mathematical quantization, the Novikov and Baum-Connes conjectures and the relation of the latter to the Langlands program, locally compact quantum groups, the dressing of fermion propagators in the framework of spectral triples, and the famous Riemann hypothesis. In the mainstream of mathematics, the noncommutative program needs no tribute. It is here to stay.