A hypothesis has been advanced that the incursion of woody plants into world grasslands over the past two centuries has been driven in part by increasing carbon dioxide concentration, [CO 2], in Earth's atmosphere. Unlike the warm season forage grasses they are displacing, woody plants have a photosynthetic metabolism and carbon allocation patterns that are responsive to CO2, and many have tap roots that are more effective than grasses for reaching deep soil water stores that can be enhanced under elevated CO2. However, this commonly cited hypothesis has little direct support from manipulative experimentation and competes with more traditional theories of shrub encroachment involving climate change, management, and fire. Here, we show that, although doubling [CO 2] over the Colorado shortgrass steppe had little impact on plant species diversity, it resulted in an increasingly dissimilar plant community over the 5-year experiment compared with plots maintained at present-day [CO 2]. Growth at the doubled [CO 2] resulted in an Ϸ40-fold increase in aboveground biomass and a 20-fold increase in plant cover of Artemisia frigida Willd, a common subshrub of some North American and Asian grasslands. This CO 2-induced enhancement of plant growth, among the highest yet reported, provides evidence from a native grassland suggesting that rising atmospheric [CO 2] may be contributing to the shrubland expansions of the past 200 years. Encroachment of shrubs into grasslands is an important problem facing rangeland managers and ranchers; this process replaces grasses, the preferred forage of domestic livestock, with species that are unsuitable for domestic livestock grazing.have increased from Ϸ280 volumetric ppm in preindustrial times to Ϸ380 ppm today and are projected to exceed 600 ppm by the end of this century, it is perhaps more important to point out that CO 2 levels are higher today than they have been for at least 650,000 years (1). Furthermore, levels of atmospheric CO 2 for the past half million years have tended to stay closer to the lowest glacial levels of Ϸ180 ppm compared with the Ϸ280-300 ppm of interglacial periods. These recent abrupt changes in atmospheric CO 2 have tremendous implications for the adaptation and evolution of relatively modern ecosystems, such as C 4 grasslands, that have evolved under relatively low atmospheric [CO 2 ] by today's standards. This report focuses on the responses of vegetation in a Colorado semiarid grassland to growth at variable [CO 2 ], but our report has implications for other rangelands around the world.Rangelands comprise Ͼ40% of Earth's terrestrial surface (2). Although these lands are characteristically water-limited and unsuitable for intensive agriculture, they support one of the world's most extensive agricultural practices, domestic livestock grazing (3-5). Rangelands are important not only for the plant and animal products they provide but also as regions in which distinct pastoral cultures and societies have developed. Rising atmospheric [CO 2 ] and predicted glob...