The concentrations and distribution of volatile organic sulfur compounds were quantified over a 13-month period in the Salton Sea, a warm eutrophic saline lake in Southern California, U.S.A. The concentrations of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) appear to be the highest reported thus far for a natural body of water, with an average surface (0-2 m) concentration of 2.5 mmol L 21 . DMS concentrations as high as 11 mmol L 21 were measured, and the concentrations of DMS correlated strongly with chlorophyll a (r 2 5 0.62, n 5 265, p , 0.05). Dimethyl disulfide was also measured; concentrations were much lower than DMS and often below detection (,0.01-0.32 mmol L 21 ). Carbon disulfide concentrations were low (,0.03 mmol L 21 ) and associated with strongly reduced conditions. Very high concentrations of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), an osmolyte in marine algae, were also measured (average total DMSP of 2.4 mmol L 21 ), with concentrations strongly correlated with chlorophyll a (r 2 5 0.88, n 5 36, p , 0.05). The biomass of the Salton Sea is composed mostly of marine phytoplankton species that are high DMSP producers; based on the correlations of DMS, chlorophyll a, and DMSP, it appears that the DMS in the Salton Sea is directly linked to algal biomass through DMSP. As a result of its very high DMS concentrations, the average estimated volatilization at the Salton Sea (480 mmol m 22 d 21 ) was greater than estimates for other lakes and the open ocean. We calculate ,9.6 3 10 5 mol of DMS was volatilized off the surface of the Sea during the course of this study.