Exposure to 56 Fe particles produces changes in dopaminergic function and in dopaminedependent behaviors, including amphetamine-induced conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning. Because many of these changes are characteristic of the changes that accompany the aging process, the present study was designed to determine whether or not there would be an interaction between age and exposure to 56 Fe particles in the disruption of an amphetamine-induced CTA. One hundred and forty F-344 male rats 2-, 7-, 12-, and 16-months old, were radiated with 56 Fe particles (0.25-2.00 Gy, 1 GeV/n) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Three days following irradiation, the rats were tested for the effects of radiation on the acquisition of a CTA produced by injection of amphetamine (3 mg/kg, i.p.). The main effect of age was to produce a significant decrease in conditioning day sucrose intake; there was no affect of age on the acquisition of the amphetamine-induced CTA. Exposing rats to 56 Fe particles disrupted the acquisition of the CTA produced by injection of amphetamine only in the 2-month-old rats. These results do not support the hypothesis of an interaction between age and exposure to 56 Fe particles in producing a disruption of amphetamine-induced CTA learning. As such, these results suggest that the aging produced by exposure to 56 Fe particles may be endpoint specific.