Central memory CD8 + T cells (T CM ) play key roles in the protective immunity against infectious agents, cancer immunotherapy, and adoptive treatments of malignant and viral diseases. CD8+ T CM cells are characterized by specific phenotypes, homing, and proliferative capacities. However, CD8 + T CM -cell generation is challenging, and usually requires CD4 + CD40L + T-cell "help" during the priming of naïve CD8 + T cells. We have generated a replication incompetent CD40 ligand-expressing recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV40L) to promote the differentiation of human naïve CD8 + T cells into T CM specific for viral and tumor-associated antigens. Soluble CD40 ligand recombinant protein (sCD40L), and vaccinia virus wild-type (VV WT), alone or in combination, were used as controls. Here, we show that, in the absence of CD4 + T cells, a single "in vitro" stimulation of naïve CD8 + T cells by rVV40L-infected nonprofessional CD14 + antigen presenting cells promotes the rapid generation of viral or tumor associated antigen-specific CD8 + T cells displaying T CM phenotypic and functional properties. These observations demonstrate the high ability of rVV40L to fine tune CD8 + mediated immune responses, and strongly support the use of similar reagents for clinical immunization and adoptive immunotherapy purposes.Keywords: Antigen presenting cells r Central memory T cells r CD40-CD40L r CD4 + T cells r CD8 + T cells r Immunological memory r Vaccinia virus Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher's web-site
IntroductionGeneration of immunological memory represents a key tenet of the adaptive immune system. Memory T cells display the exquisite Correspondence: Dr. Paul Zajac e-mail: paul.zajac@usb.ch ability to respond to previously experienced antigens with clonal expansion and with the rapid elicitation of multiple effector function [1]. However, the origin of memory CD8 + T cells is still debated, particularly concerning the relationship between effector and memory cells [2].Current understanding is consistent with the "one cell, multiple fates" model postulating that memory and effector T cells C 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.eji-journal.eu Eur. J. Immunol. 2016. 46: 420-431 Immunomodulation 421 may arise from single naïve CD8 + T-cell precursor undergoing asymmetric division originating two daughter cells with different cell fates [3]. Alternatively, a linear differentiation model proposes that memory CD8 + T lymphocytes may derive from effector cells surviving the contraction phase of the primary immune response [4]. Memory compartment encompasses lymphocyte subpopulations characterized by different phenotypes, functional properties, and anatomic locations. Two main subsets, central (T CM ) and effector memory (T EM ) lymphocytes, displaying a differential expression of homing and chemokine receptors have consistently been identified [5,6].Notably, T CM are characterized by high proliferative potential in response to antigen stimulation and...