This report documents the development and benchmarking of the E-Area Low-Level Waste Facility (ELLWF) GoldSim Engineered and Slit Trench (ET and ST) vadose zone models. Subsequent activities (beyond the scope of this effort) will couple the GoldSim-based vadose zone models to the GoldSim aquifer model, with the intent of performing stochastic analyses that couple all pertinent fate and transport processes from the ground surface up to the 100-m Point of Assessment (POA). The benchmarking presented within this report focuses on the Slit Trench 06 (ST06) hydrostratigraphic location that resides within the center set of slit trenches. These GoldSim-based vadose zone models are generic models capable of being benchmarked to any of the other trench locations within E-Area. This is a key component of the effort to include uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis (UQSA) in the next revision of the E-Area Performance Assessment (PA). This report describes the model and shows results obtained from benchmarking the GoldSim transport simulations under a deterministic mode (using nominal best estimate parameter settings) to best-estimate deterministic results obtained using the PORFLOW vadose zone model. The P PORFLOW model is three-dimensional while the GoldSim model represents a simplified one-dimensional treatment. The GoldSim ET and ST vadose zone models were able to reproduce PORFLOW peak fluxes, with acceptable accuracy for ET Case01 (Intact) and ST Case01 (Intact), as shown in Table ES-1 and Table ES-2, respectively. The GoldSim ET and ST vadose zone models were able to reproduce PORFLOW peak fluxes, with acceptable accuracy for ET Case11b (Subsided) and ST Case11b (Subsided), as shown in Table ES-3 and Table ES-4, respectively. The detailed comparison of radionuclide and tracer fluxes from the waste zone and to the water table are discussed in Section 5 and summarized in Section 6. Note that the parameter settings established are universal in nature and are independent of radionuclide and its progeny. The close agreement between the two models provides confidence that GoldSim will provide adequate results that will reflect the behavior of vadose zone transport under off-nominal operating conditions for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. Table ES-1. Comparison of GoldSim and PORFLOW peak fluxes to the water table and peaks times ET Case01 (Intact).