during the academic year 2017-18. Oheim et al. (2019) TIRF calibration arXiv -presubmission 2 ABSTRACT. Roughly half of a cell's proteins are located at or near the plasma membrane.In this restricted space, the cell senses its environment, signals to its neighbors and exchanges cargo through exo-and endocytotic mechanisms. Ligands bind to receptors, ions flow across channel pores, and transmitters and metabolites are transported against concentration gradients. Receptors, ion channels, pumps and transporters are the molecular substrates of these biological processes and they constitute important targets for drug discovery. Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy suppresses background from cell deeper layers and provides contrast for selectively imaging dynamic processes near the basal membrane of live-cells. The optical sectioning of TIRF is based on the excitation confinement of the evanescent wave generated at the glass/cell interface. How deep the excitation light actually penetrates the sample is difficult to know, making the quantitative interpretation of TIRF data problematic. Nevertheless, many applications like super-resolution microscopy, co-localization, FRET, near-membrane fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, uncaging or photo-activation/switching, as well as single-particle tracking require the quantitative interpretation of EW-excited images. Here, we review existing techniques for characterizing evanescent fields and we provide a roadmap for comparing TIRF data across images, experiments, and laboratories. (193 words)