DOI: 10.1101/651943
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Elimination of galanin synthesis in noradrenergic neurons reduces galanin in select brain areas and promotes active coping behaviors

Abstract: Accumulating evidence indicates that disruption of galanin signaling is associated with neuropsychiatric disease, but the precise functions of this neuropeptide remain largely unresolved due to lack of tools for experimentally disrupting its transmission in a cell typespecific manner. To examine the function of galanin in the noradrenergic system, widely thought to be an important source of galanin for modulation of emotional responses, we generated and crossed two novel knock-in mouse lines to create animals … Show more

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Cited by 13 publications
(30 citation statements)
References 69 publications
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“…To overcome these limitations, we used genetically modified mouse lines that lack either NE (dopamine b-hydroxylase knockout; Dbh -/mice) or galanin (Gal cKO-Dbh mice) specifically in noradrenergic neurons. Importantly, we previously showed that Gal cKO-Dbh mice have normal NE levels, and we show here that Dbh -/mice have normal galanin expression in the LC (18), allowing for the isolation of each neuromodulator without affecting the other. Dbh -/mice have been extensively studied since their initial creation 25 years ago (19), and do not differ from controls in traditional tests for anxiety-like behavior at baseline (20)(21)(22).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 51%
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“…To overcome these limitations, we used genetically modified mouse lines that lack either NE (dopamine b-hydroxylase knockout; Dbh -/mice) or galanin (Gal cKO-Dbh mice) specifically in noradrenergic neurons. Importantly, we previously showed that Gal cKO-Dbh mice have normal NE levels, and we show here that Dbh -/mice have normal galanin expression in the LC (18), allowing for the isolation of each neuromodulator without affecting the other. Dbh -/mice have been extensively studied since their initial creation 25 years ago (19), and do not differ from controls in traditional tests for anxiety-like behavior at baseline (20)(21)(22).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 51%
“…Dbh -/mice have been extensively studied since their initial creation 25 years ago (19), and do not differ from controls in traditional tests for anxiety-like behavior at baseline (20)(21)(22). Likewise, Gal cKO-Dbh mice also show normal anxiogenic behavior at baseline in classic anxiety assays, although have increased active coping behavior in some non-canonical paradigms, suggesting a role for NE-derived galanin in mediating passive coping behaviors (18). Here we used these two mouse lines to dissect the functional roles of co-released NE and galanin in regulating acute and persistent stress-induced anxiety-like behavior.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Mice were exposed to the EZM (2" wide track, 20" diameter) under low light for 5 min (Shepherd et al 1994;Tillage et al 2019). Time spent in the open and closed segments of the maze, entries into the open segments, distance traveled, and velocity were recorded on an overhead camera and measured using TopScan software (Clever Sys Inc., Reston, VA).…”
Section: Elevated Zero Mazementioning
confidence: 99%
“…The number of marbles buried was determined by counting the marbles that remained unburied and subtracting this number from 20. A marble was counted as "buried" if at least 2/3 of it was submerged by bedding (Angoa-Pérez et al 2013;Tillage et al 2019). For pharmacological experiments, all drugs were administered by i.p.…”
Section: Marble Buryingmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Individual mice were removed from their home cages and placed into a large novel cage (10" x 18" x 10") with a single pellet of standard mouse chow in the center. The latency for the mouse to feed (grasp and bite the food pellet) was recorded using a stopwatch; mice that did not feed within 10 min were assigned a feeding latency score of 600 sec (Dulawa et al 2005;Tillage et al 2020). Testing occurred in a dark room under red light.…”
Section: Novelty-suppressed Feeding (Nsf)mentioning
confidence: 99%