Interactions between charged macromolecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids, polyelectrolytes) and charged surfaces govern many natural and industrial processes. We investigate here the influence of an applied electric potential on the adsorption of charged polymers, and report the following significant result: the adsorption of certain amine side chain-containing polycations may become continuous, i.e., asymptotically linear (or nearly linear) in time over hours, upon the application of a modest anodic potential. Employing optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS) and an indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate, we show that asymptotic kinetics, and the adsorbed mass at the onset of the asymptotic regime, depend sensitively on polymer chemistry (in particular, side chain volume and charge location), increase with applied potential and ionic strength (conditions favoring a thicker initial layer), and are independent of bulk polymer concentration (suggesting postadsorption events to be rate limiting). X-ray photoelectron spectra reveal a suppressed polymer charge within layers formed via continuous adsorption, but no evidence of electrochemical reactions. We propose a mechanism based on polymer-polymer binding within the adsorbed layer, enabled by suppressed electrostatic repulsion and/or enhanced ionic correlations near the conducting surface, and stabilized by short-range attractive interactions. Continuous adsorption under an applied electric potential offers the possibility of nanoscale films of tailored polymer content realized in a single step.optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy ͉ poly(L-lysine) ͉ protein adsorption ͉ indium tin oxide I nteractions between charged macromolecules and charged surfaces are ubiquitous in nature (e.g., protein-cell membrane) and are often exploited in technological applications. For example, weakly charged colloidal systems such as paints, inks, and waste water may be stabilized through an adsorbed layer of charged polymer (polyelectrolyte) (1, 2), and polyelectrolyte films containing functional entities (e.g., biomolecules, nanoparticles) may serve as sensors, separation membranes, and electrochemical components (3, 4). Adsorption is usually spontaneous, with electrostatic interactions naturally playing a key role. These interactions, and therefore the adsorption process itself, may be controlled through solution variables such as salt concentration and pH (5-12). However, there generally exists an upper limit to the extent of polyelectrolyte adsorption. The typical situation is for adsorption to be quite rapid (usually at a transport limited rate) and then to saturate, corresponding to the point where interfacial charge accumulation suppresses additional (net) adsorption (1). A clever way to avoid this limit is through the layer-by-layer (LbL) method, where a substrate is alternately exposed to solutions of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes (3, 13). Each exposure results in an increase in adsorbed mass and an overall interfacial charge reversal. The LbL method allows one t...