Let X be a holomorphic symplectic variety with a torus T action and a finite fixed point set of cardinality k. We assume that elliptic stable envelope exists for X. Let A I,J = Stab(J)| I be the k × k matrix of restrictions of the elliptic stable envelopes of X to the fixed points. The entries of this matrix are theta-functions of two groups of variables: the Kähler parameters and equivariant parameters of X.We say that two such varieties X and X ′ are related by the 3d mirror symmetry if the fixed point sets of X and X ′ have the same cardinality and can be identified so that the restriction matrix of X becomes equal to the restriction matrix of X ′ after transposition and interchanging the equivariant and Kähler parameters of X, respectively, with the Kähler and equivariant parameters of X ′ .The first examples of pairs of 3d symmetric varieties were constructed in [RSVZ], where the cotangent bundle T * Gr(k, n) to a Grassmannian is proved to be a 3d mirror to a Nakajima quiver variety of A n−1 -type. In this paper we prove that the cotangent bundle of the full flag variety is 3d mirror self-symmetric. That statement in particular leads to nontrivial theta-function identities.