Mid-rapidity zone is a region of crucial scientific interest during
heavy ion collisions as it offers deep insight to comprehending the complex
dynamics and properties of extremely dense nuclear matter. In the virtue of
Isospin dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics model, the mid-rapidity zone (-
0.6 ≤ Y c.m. /Y beam ≤ 0.6) segregated into three different regions to endeavour
the intricate correlation between nuclear stopping (hR p i) and the magnetic
field (eB y (0, 0, 0)) generated due to the nucleons from these rapidity segments.
Moreover, the study of time and space evolution of (eB y (0, 0, 0)) have been carried
out for all the three rapidity bins. The maximum intensity of magnetic field
(eB y (0, 0, 0)) max is observed in most outward region of mid-rapidity zone due
to lesser nuclear stopping and nucleon-nucleon collisions. Additionally, a fruitful
correlation has also been observed between eccentricity and nuclear stopping.