Abstract:We construct an inflationary model that is consistent with both large nonGaussianity and a running spectral index. The scenario of modulated inflation suggests that modulated perturbation can induce the curvature perturbation with a large nonGaussianity, even if the inflaton perturbation is negligible. Using this idea, we consider a multi-field extension of the modulated inflation scenario and examine the specific situation where different moduli are responsible for the perturbation at different scales. We suppose that the additional moduli (shooting-star moduli) is responsible for the curvature perturbation at the earlier inflationary epoch and it generates the fluctuation with n > 1 spectral index at this scale. After a while, another moduli (or inflaton) takes the place and generates the perturbation with n < 1. At the transition point the two fluctuations are comparable with each other. We show how the spectral index is affected by the transition induced by the shooting-star moduli.