Objective:The study was performed to investigate the prevalence, morphology and calcification pattern of elongated styloid process in Saudi population of Aseer (Southern) region and its relation to gender and sub-age groups.Materials and Methods:This study was analyzed digital panoramic radiographs of 1,162 adults. Any radiograph with questionable styloid process was excluded from the study. The apparent length of the styloid process was measured by a single experienced dental and maxillofacial Radiologist. The elongated styloid process was classified with the radiographic appearance based on the morphology and calcification pattern. The data were analyzed by using Student's t-test and Chi-square test with P value less than 0.05.Results:A total of 1,085 Digital panoramic radiographs showed elongated styloid process of which 686 (63.2%) were noticed in males and 399 (36.8%) were noticed in female patients. There was a statistical significant difference noticed in the mean difference of elongated styloid process between 20-29, 50-59 and 60 years and above sub-age groups. The elongated styloid process was more prevalent in elderly aged male patients (P < 0.05). Type I morphology with calcified out line (a) was the most frequent pattern of calcification noticed in the present study.Conclusion:The panoramic radiographs are economical, easily accessible and useful diagnostic tool for early detection of elongated styloid process with or without symptoms. However, studies with larger sample size would further help to assess the prevalence of this elongated styloid process in Saudi population of various other regions.